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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free

Planned giving at CAG

As a contemporary art lover, you live a creative, inspiring and colourful life. Your legacy should be a reflection of you, your enjoyment of art, and celebrating your creativity with those closest to you.

Legacy gifts have a transformational capacity for a non-profit organization, and the Contemporary Art Gallery is committed to embracing your passion for the arts and continuing your story. With your memorialized gift, the CAG will continue contributing towards the cultural life of Vancouver for many years to come, bringing contemporary visual art to thousands of adults and children of all ages, free of charge.

Charitable Registration Number | 887137396 RR0001

Forms of planned giving

Donating Securities

Giving securities is an easy and tax effective way to contribute to our annual fund or operating endowment.

When you donate securities to us directly you receive a tax receipt for the full amount of your donation and won’t pay the standard 50% capital gains. There is no minimum gift and we accept all publicly traded securities (securities listed or posted for trading on Canadian and major international exchanges.) Securities include stocks, trust units, mutual fund units, and bonds.

Make a gift of securities

Making a Bequest

Remembering the CAG via a bequest in your Will is one of the most important and meaningful gifts you can make.Your legacy will ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy the CAG in the same way that you do.

Your generosity will help to guarantee that we can continue to support artistic experiment and present a world-class program to a wide and diverse range of audiences across Vancouver and the province.

Anyone can leave a legacy to the CAG and every gift, whatever the amount, will make a difference to what we can achieve, helping secure a strong future for an exciting, dynamic and groundbreaking organization.

Contact us about a bequest

Gifts to our Endowment

A gift to our endowment is an investment in the future of contemporary art in our community, and recognition of the importance and vital part it plays in the cultural health and well-being of any city. As our Endowment Fund is the very core of the CAG’s financial foundation, by donating to this fund your gift will support the CAG in perpetuity.

Our endowment is held with the Vancouver Foundation and the interest generated each year helps us to meet our core costs whilst the capital invested helps to secure our future financial security. Find out more via our page on the Vancouver Foundation.

Contribute to our endowment

More information

To find out more about planned giving, please contact our Development team at +1 604 681 2700 or email