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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until October 18, 2024

Admission always free

Diyan Achjadi

Coming Soon!


Coming Soon! documents Diyan Achjadi’s 2018-19 public art project for the City of Vancouver. The project was a site-specific interrogation of questions of value, temporality and labour. Each month for the period of one year, Achjadi produced a series of hand-printed posters and installed them onto the structures surrounding construction sites throughout the city, mirroring the landscapes around new developments themselves. Over the course of that time the posters — hand-drawn and hand-printed through laborious processes of silkscreen, etching, lithography and polymer plate relief — accumulated and, left to the effects of the elements and actions of passersby, decayed, were transformed by graffiti and even removed.

This 200-page publication features essays by Achjadi and independent writer Zoë Chan, and was designed in Vancouver by Victoria Lum. The first 50 purchasers of the book will also receive one of seven hand-printed posters (randomly selected), artifacts from the project itself.

Product notes

Please note that due to mailing restrictions we are unable to ship the poster. If you are able, please select the option to collect your online order from the gallery to receive both the publication and free poster. All shipments will include the publication only.