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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free
3 Mar 87until28 Mar 87

Sacred Ground, Skin and Bones

Judith M. Atkinson, Dianne Radmore

555 Hamilton St

The walls of a room are lined with large chalky drawings of animals and humans. One section is divided and has a large blue patch painted as sky, tall white sculptures, and many rocks on the floor.

Sacred Ground, Skin and Bones uses primordial imagery by incorporating found objects and symbolic sculpture and wall drawings to transform the gallery into a sanctum reminiscent of sacred places of power. There is a powerful range of spiritual and mystical references and a shared fascination with a historic continuum.

The gallery divides into two parts, in the entryway to the exhibition we find Radmore’s formal assemblage/collage pieces, as well as a sculptural ladder with birds ascending to show the symbolic associations with spiritual transitory states. The exhibition continues through a corridor to find Atkinsons’ large drawings ribboning the gallery walls to emulate a cave-like environment which culminates into a sculptural Stonehenge-like site.

In the accompanying catalogue, both artists and curator, Alice Rich describe the perceptions of the contemporary associations with the primitive concerns referenced in the artists’ works. For Atkinson these perceptions have been achieved through the study of cave and rock drawings, primitive peoples and anthropological sources; for Radmore it is through a study of shamanic ways, ritual dances, tribal artifacts, ceremonies, and symbolic values.

Guest curated by Alice Rich