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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free
11 Jul 03until31 Aug 03

L.I.P. Service

Works from the City of Vancouver collection

B.C. Binning Gallery, Alvin Balkind Gallery and CAG Façade

A black and white photograph depicting a person wearing a striped shirt drinking from a glass bottle. They are outdoors in a vast crowd of people milling around or seated in the grass.

In celebration of its 30th Anniversary, the Contemporary Art Gallery presents an exhibition honoring its early years. On February 23, 1973, the Artists’ Gallery opened its doors at 555 Hamilton Street. Later to be renamed the Contemporary Art Gallery, the Artists’ Gallery was initiat­ed by an arts advisory committee under the umbrella of the City of Vancouver. Central to its early mandate and philosophy was the promotion and creation of local visu­al arts.

During this time the City of Vancouver began a program, with assistance from the Federal Local Initiatives Program (LIP) to collect works by local artists. In support of this ambitious project, the Artists’ Gallery was con­ceived as both a depository and exhibition space. The Contemporary Art Gallery continues to act as custodian for over 3000 collected works, many dating from the early to mid 1970s when the majority of works were created. The history of this important collection of art, of the Artists’ Gallery and of the early years of the community that shaped what would become the Contemporary Art Gallery will be showcased this summer in an exhibition featuring selected works from the collection.