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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free
30 Mar 96until11 May 96

Henry Tsang

The Crowning

555 Hamilton St

An incomplete shape of a children’s hand shovel is carved on the metal surface. The handle is fully visible, but the blade is half recognizable as if it is stuck in the sand.

The Contemporary Art Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by Vancouver based artist Henry Tsang. Since 1987, Tsang has worked both as an artist and a curator whose subjects have included issues of the social urban landscape, identity, sexuality, and race. Having exhibited nationally and internationally, this will be his first solo gallery exhibition in Vancouver since 1992.

The Crowning is an installation that divides the gallery into two distinct and theatrical spaces. Upon entering the gallery, one is confronted by elements common to children's playgrounds: swings, a park bench and rubberized playground flooring. Directly behind the swings a wall of glass separates the viewer from the other space which presents a large photographic image of the emergence of a baby's head during the birthing process. This space reverberates psychologically between the wondrous event of birth and the corresponding familial expectations and responsibilities. While the birthing room projects the dramatic emergence of new life, the playground represents a sense of abandonment associated with play. The park bench that overlooks the installation functions as a means of surveillance. The swings, however, are placed precariously close to the glass and the piece provokes questions and tensions between the idea of life-giving and caregiving and the vulnerable relationship between the two.

The Contemporary Art Gallery thanks Play-tech Distributors Inc. for their advice and assistance.

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