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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free
18 Nov 05until8 Jan 06

Bit by Bit

Marc Bell, Paul Butler, Jason McLean, Jennifer Murphy, Dearraindrop, Miguel da Conçeicao, Amy Lockhart

Alvin Balkind Gallery and CAG Façade

An installation image of a group show titled Bit by Bit. A countless number of neon coloured two-dimensional works, mostly drawings and collage pieces, cover two black walls.

Dearraindrop, Healter Skelter (detail), 2005. Photo: SITE Photography

Clement Greenberg described collage as "a major turning point in the evolution of Cubism, and there­fore a major turning point in the whole evolution of modernist art in this century." Bit by Bit incorpo­rates the work of emerging artists who continue to explore this material practice. Each work incorpo­rates conventional notions of collage, physically collecting, combining, cutting, covering, and layering found images and commonplace materials, one piece at a time, to create new images and meanings. Whether the artists are boldly forming an aesthetic moment or overtly putting forward a political agenda, each element within the overall collage is a sepa­rate element that combines with other pieces to generate something whole, and it is this tenuous and apparent relation between the pieces and the whole that gives this material practice its potency and continued relevance. As part of Bit by Bit, the GAG will publish a special issue of I Got Killed I Got Killed I Got Killed in World War Three.