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Contemporary Art Gallery

555 Nelson Street
Vancouver, Canada
Closed for installation
until April 4, 2025

Admission always free
17 Apr 21

Open Studio

Shadow Lanterns with Nicole Preissl

In our third and final remote Open Studio with Nicole Preissl, Nicole leads us in a lantern making activity inspired by Nicole Kelly Westman’s exhibition muddled mirage of memories escaping encapsulation. For her Waiting on Tomorrow artworks, Nicole started with light, observing sunshine through trees and the shadows and shapes they cast on her walls as the light passed through her window.

Watch the video and follow along as Nicole creates a lantern out of parchment and tissue paper. She’ll share tips and tricks for working with paper, light and shadows to inspire your lantern designs.


  • parchment paper
  • glue stick or white glue
  • tissue paper
  • tape
  • Cardstock
  • collage images
  • Scissors

Other materials you can use if you have them

  • natural materials
  • white glue
  • other collage images

This activity is recommended for artists 4 and up. Adult supervision is recommended for working with scissors and natural materials. Please only use flashlights or electric candles to illuminate your lanterns.